Do you want to help your elderly loved one to do something amazing? If so, you can help them to go green.

There are so many missions and events that promote going green. This is a way to help protect the Earth and keep people safe. If this is something that your elderly loved one might be interested in, there are many ways that you can help them with it.

Home Care in Tewksbury Township NJ: Going Green

Replacing Light Bulbs

If your elderly loved one does want to go green, one of the easiest and quickest ways to do that is to replace the lightbulbs in their home. Many homes have incandescent lightbulbs. If this is the case in your elderly loved one’s home, you should have these replaced with compact fluorescent lightbulbs instead. This can help your elderly loved one to save electricity and money. If it is too much money for your elderly loved one to replace all the lightbulbs in their home, you can install motion sensors or dimmers in their house. This way, the lights are only on when they need to be.

Saving Water

Another great way for your elderly loved one to go green is by saving water. Did you know that about 15% of the energy used in a home is from water usage. Some of the ways that your elderly loved one can save water are to take less time showering and turning off the water when washing the dishes. If needed, you and home care providers can remind your elderly loved one of these tips.

Green Products

Your elderly loved one can start going green by buying green products at the store. There are so many different brands that offer green materials in their packaging. This means that the materials are biodegradable. They won’t be sitting in a landfill just taking up space. If it is too difficult for your elderly loved one to find these green products, you or a home care provider could go with them shopping. This way, you can help them to find products that use Earth-friendly packaging materials.


These are some of the ways that your elderly loved one can start going green. Now that you know how to help your elderly loved one with this, you should have a talk with them. Have your elderly loved one pick out one of these tips that they would like to try. Even doing one of these things is a great step toward saving this Earth. If your elderly loved one is feeling motivated, they can do even more things to go green.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Tewksbury Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Independent Home Care, LLC – 908-603-6277


Published by catherinederenoncourt

Catherine Derenoncourt is the Administrator at Independent Home Care, LLC. The help Independent Home Care provides allows your beloved family members to live an independent and dignified lifestyles while in the comfort of their homes. Nothing matches the familiar, lived-in feeling that family homes offer. As people age, however, there are medical challenges that could bring lifestyle changes. Inevitably, the time will come when the simplest tasks become harder to accomplish. Caregivers will be matched to the customer to ensure compatibility. At Independent Home Care, we provide attentive caregivers to personally assist the elderlies as well as the physically and mentally challenged individuals in our community. This way, aging and ailing family members do not have to leave home and miss out on the camaraderie they enjoy with neighbors, friends, and other members of the family.

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