Homecare: September is All American Breakfast Month.

This is a terrific time to take a closer look at your senior’s habits around breakfast and see if there’s anything you can do to make breakfast easier for her. Solutions like hiring a homecare companion at home can make a huge difference for your senior’s nutritional health.

Homecare in Haworth Borough NJ: Breakfast
Homecare in Haworth Borough NJ: Breakfast

It’s Another Opportunity for Protein

Lots of seniors don’t get enough protein on a daily basis. Eating breakfast regularly is another opportunity during the day to get some protein in. This is especially important if your elderly family member needs to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. The earlier she starts, the more nutrients she can get.

Breakfast Gives Your Senior Fuel

Eating breakfast breaks the overnight fast her body has just completed. By eating plenty of healthy foods, her body has the fuel it needs to do whatever it is she’s planning to do that day. If your senior is finding that she’s tired a lot or she just doesn’t have enough energy, it might be that she isn’t getting the fuel her body needs in order to function properly.

Eating Breakfast Can Help Memory and Concentration

Another way that food makes a difference for your senior is that it feeds her brain. If she is finding it difficult to concentrate or she’s having memory issues and her doctor has ruled out medical issues, she might need breakfast to help fuel her brain. Healthy fats in particular are very good for your senior’s brain.

Breakfast Can Keep Your Senior
from Overeating Later

One of the biggest problems with skipping breakfast can be that by the time your senior is ready to eat, she may be hungrier than she realizes. It’s a lot easier at that point to overeat, which can leave her feeling uncomfortable when she doesn’t have to feel that way. Spreading out her caloric intake over the day can help her to have consistent blood sugar levels throughout the day, too.

Often people skip breakfast because it’s a hassle. For your senior, that can be complicated even further by things like arthritis pain that’s worse in the morning or a thousand other variables. With companion care at home, she’s got help with making sure she can eat a healthy breakfast every single day. Homecare providers let her focus on what she needs to do in order to get her day started, while still getting the nutrients she needs.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in Haworth Borough, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Independent Home Care, LLC – 908-603-6277

Published by catherinederenoncourt

Catherine Derenoncourt is the Administrator at Independent Home Care, LLC. The help Independent Home Care provides allows your beloved family members to live an independent and dignified lifestyles while in the comfort of their homes. Nothing matches the familiar, lived-in feeling that family homes offer. As people age, however, there are medical challenges that could bring lifestyle changes. Inevitably, the time will come when the simplest tasks become harder to accomplish. Caregivers will be matched to the customer to ensure compatibility. At Independent Home Care, we provide attentive caregivers to personally assist the elderlies as well as the physically and mentally challenged individuals in our community. This way, aging and ailing family members do not have to leave home and miss out on the camaraderie they enjoy with neighbors, friends, and other members of the family.

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