Senior Care: Personal care at home helps with all aspects of aging at home.

When there are tasks that your dad struggles to do independently, senior care can help him. You may have questions about what your dad’s caregivers can help him complete. Take a closer look at all of the ways personal care aides help out.

Senior Care: Personal Care Aide
Senior Care: Personal Care Aide

Ambulation and Transfers

Your dad’s mobility isn’t what it used to be. When he wakes up, sitting and standing up is hard for him unless he has someone to help. Knee pain makes it difficult for him to walk up and down the stairs in his house.

Ambulation and transfers are services that assist him as he moves around his home. Caregivers can also help him transfer from a walker or wheelchair into a car, a bed, a toilet, a shower seat, or a chair or sofa.


Your dad may not have a lot of daily tasks he needs help with. What he needs is someone to play cards with and join him on walks. He’s mobile, but when he’s outside, he’s not confident and would like someone to accompany him. Caregivers do that.

Errands, Shopping, and Transportation

Your dad has errands to run, but he’s no longer able to drive. He might need a ride to his doctor’s office for his check-up. Transportation is something caregivers are happy to provide. They can also run errands for him or do his shopping if he doesn’t want to go.

Light Housekeeping

Dishes, dusting, mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming are some of the housekeeping chores that caregivers can do. They can also sterilize surfaces, tidy up clutter, and do the laundry.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Caregivers can help your dad plan his meals for the week. If he needs to go grocery shopping, the caregiver can take him shopping. At home, the caregiver can put away groceries and prepare his meals and snacks.

Medication Reminders

If your dad forgets to take his daily medications or recommended vitamins, his caregiver can remind him. Another benefit to caregivers is medication monitoring. If he’s taking pain relievers for his arthritis, his caregiver can time the doses to ensure he doesn’t take too many pills.

Showering, Personal Hygiene, and Grooming

Your dad no longer showers on his own. Someone needs to help him wash as he sits on the shower seat. He might be okay showering, but arthritis makes it hard for him to brush his teeth and shave. Personal care at home covers all of this and more.

He can have a caregiver to help him get cleaned up after using the toilet. A caregiver can help him brush and style his hair. They can help him put on skin lotion after a shower. If it helps him with hygiene and grooming, it’s a service that’s available.

Senior Care Conclusion

How do you arrange personal senior care at home? Reach out to a local agency and ask to talk to a specialist. You’ll discuss your dad’s strengths and weaknesses and develop a care plan that matches his needs and is easily adapted to help him if his needs change.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in Tewksbury Township NJ, please contact the caring staff at Independent Home Care, LLC – 908-603-6277

Published by catherinederenoncourt

Catherine Derenoncourt is the Administrator at Independent Home Care, LLC. The help Independent Home Care provides allows your beloved family members to live an independent and dignified lifestyles while in the comfort of their homes. Nothing matches the familiar, lived-in feeling that family homes offer. As people age, however, there are medical challenges that could bring lifestyle changes. Inevitably, the time will come when the simplest tasks become harder to accomplish. Caregivers will be matched to the customer to ensure compatibility. At Independent Home Care, we provide attentive caregivers to personally assist the elderlies as well as the physically and mentally challenged individuals in our community. This way, aging and ailing family members do not have to leave home and miss out on the camaraderie they enjoy with neighbors, friends, and other members of the family.

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